Council Papers & Accounts

Agenda for Forth-coming Meeting

This will be published 7 days prior to the meeting:

17 September 2024

Meeting Pack 20240917 redact


Minutes of the Most Recent Parish Council Meeting

For the avoidance of doubt readers are please asked to note the following caveat in relation to minutes published here:

For the sake of topicality, immediacy and relevance the Parish Council publishes here the “unapproved” draft minutes of the most recent of its meetings. These minutes will not normally be “approved” until the next meeting of the Parish Council and therefore, are not the formal minutes of record. The minutes published here may contain unintended errors or inaccuracies and therefore may be subject to correction and amendment at the next meeting.

September 2024

Draft minutes

July 2024

Minutes 20240716

Agenda’s for Past Meetings

Historic agendas are not listed here as the agenda is superseded by the minutes (draft minutes published within 7 working days of the meeting, and then approved minutes after the following meeting). Historic agendas can be provided if requested from the Clerk

2023-2024 (FINANCE & ACCOUNTS)

US Cashbook

Annual Return




Underskiddaw Parish Council Provisional Budget 24 25

2022-2023 (Finance & Accounts)

Please note the below documents are now completed and the certificate of exemption has been filed with the PKF. The below documents will not be audited any further on account of the fact that Underskiddaw Parish Council has self certified its status as an exempt authority, unless a request for an opportunity to question the auditor about the accounting records under Section 26 (2) or an objection under Section 27 (1) of the Act, results in the involvement of the local auditor.

Underskiddaw Notice of Public Rights 22-23


Underskiddaw Annual Governance and Accountability Review including Certificate of Exemption 22-23

Underskiddaw PC Accounts Year Ending 31 03 23

Underskiddaw Bank Reconciliation Year End 31 03 23

Underskiddaw PC Statement of Variances 31 03 23


2021-2022 (Finance & Accounts)

Please note the below documents are now completed and the certificate of exemption has been filed with the PKF. The below documents will not be audited any further on account of the fact that Underskiddaw Parish Council has self certified its status as an exempt authority, unless a request for an opportunity to question the auditor about the accounting records under Section 26 (2) or an objection under Section 27 (1) of the Act, results in the involvement of the local auditor.

Dates for Exercise of Public Rights U.S YE 31st March 2022

Details for making provision for the exercise of public rights 2021 22 exempt authorities

Underskidddaw Parish Council Annual Governance and Accountability Review including Certificate of Excemption 21 – 22

Underskiddaw PC Accounts Year End 31 03 22

Underskiddaw Parish Council Year End Bank Reconciliation 31 03 22

Underskiddaw Parish Council Variances Statement 21 22

Underskiddaw Parish Council Cashbook 2021-22

2020-2021 (Finance & Accounts)

Please note the below documents are now completed and the certificate of exemption has been filed with the PKF. The below documents will not be audited any further on account of the fact that Underskiddaw Parish Council has self certified its status as an exempt authority, unless a request for an opportunity to question the auditor about the accounting records under Section 26 (2) or an objection under Section 27 (1) of the Act, results in the involvement of the local auditor.

Notice of Electors Rights Underskiddaw Parish Council Financial Year 20-21

Details of electors rights Underskiddaw Parish Council Financial Year 20-21

Underskiddaw Parish Council Certificate of Exemption 20-21

Underskiddaw Annual Governance and Accountability Return and all Financial Year End Documents 20-21

Underskiddaw Parish Council Cashbook 2020-21

2019-2020 (Finance & Accounts)

Please note the below documents are now completed and the certificate of exemption has been filed with the PKF. The below documents will not be audited any further on account of the fact that Underskiddaw Parish Council has self certified its status as an exempt authority, unless a request for an opportunity to question the auditor about the accounting records under Section 26 (2) or an objection under Section 27 (1) of the Act, results in the involvement of the local auditor.

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Underskiddaw 1920

Summary of Auditors Rights 1920

Cashbook Underskiddaw Parish Council 19 20

Year End Accounts Underskiddaw Parish Council 19-20

Bank Reconciliation Underskiddaw Parish Council 19-20

Variances Explanation Underskiddaw Parish Council 19-20

Asset Register Underskiddaw Parish Council 19

2018-19 (Finance & Accounts)

Please note the 18-19 documents below have been formally approved by Underskiddaw Parish Council at their meeting held on the 14th May 2019. 

As an authority with a  turnover of less than £25,000 Underskiddaw Parish Council has certified itself as an exempt authority from external audit.

To view the Exemption Certificate please click below

Certificate of Exemption Underskiddaw

The period for public rights relating to Underskiddaw Parish Council accounts year ending 31st March 2019 commences as of the 17th June 2019.

For further details of electors rights please click below:

Summary of auditors rights

To view the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return please click below:

Underskiddaw AGAR Completed 1819

Underskiddaw Cashbook 1819

Underskiddaw Accounts 1819

Underskiddaw PC Bank Rec 1819

Underskiddaw Explanation of Variances 1819

2017-18 (Finance & Accounts)

Underskiddaw Annual Governance Review 1718 (And certificate of exemption)

Guidance for Electors Rights

Underskiddaw Notice of Auditors Rights

Underskiddaw Parish Council Accounts YE 310318

Underskiddaw Parish Council Cashbook 1718

Audit Calculations & Variances 2017-18

Bank Reconciliation Ye 31st March 2018 Underskiddaw Parish Council



Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2016-17

Issues arising from Audit 16-17

BDO Audit Form 16-17 (Including Governance Statements, Internal Audit Report & End of Year Accounts)  (Please note this is un-audited at this stage). This has now been signed off by the External Auditor- Sept 17

Notice of Electors Rights 16-17

Underskiddaw Accounts YE 310317

Underskiddaw Bank Reconciliation YE 3103017

Underskiddaw Parish Council Variances Annual Return 16-17 FINAL

Underskiddaw Parish Council Cashbook 2016-17

Underskiddaw Asset Register 2017

Previous years

BDO Notice of Completion of Audit and S1-3 Audit Form

Underskiddaw Parish Council Notice for Period of Exercise of Public Rights (Accounts 31/5/16)

BDO Annual Return Documents YE 310316

Underskiddaw Parish Council Cashbook 15-16


Underskiddaw Parish Council Variances Annual Return 15-16 FINAL

Notice of completion of audit 15

BDO Annual Return & Supporting Documents

Underskiddaw Parish Council ACCOUNTS FINAL 2014-2015

Underskiddaw Parish Council Cashbook Yr/e March 15

Variances Annual Return 14-15 FINAL


Underskiddaw Financial Regs April 2016